If you need a recipe which can save your busy days, surely this Pancit recipe will do it. Busy people surely need quick recipe with minimum ingredients, especially for breakfast. Of course you could get easy breakfast menu such as cereal or toast, but this recipe will be a healthy alternative. The main ingredient is dried rice noodles which could be gotten on any local supermarket near your house. It also contains healthy spices and chicken breast so that it will fulfill your need of nutrients.

What You Need to Cook the Pancit Recipe

  • Dried rice noodles, 1 package (you could use another kind of noodles as well)
  • Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
  • Onion, diced
  • Garlic, minced
  • Chicken breast meat, diced and cooked
  • Small cabbage, sliced
  • Carrot, sliced
  • Soy sauce
  • Lemons for garnish (cut into size of wedge)


Directions to Cook the Pancit Recipe

  1. Boil water on a large bowl. When it reaches the 100 degrees Celsius, add the rice noodles and wait until they are softened. When it is done, drain the water and put the rice noodles on clean place.
  2. Pour some oil on large skillet, set the fire on medium heat. When the oil is hot enough, sauté the garlic and onion until look soft. Add the cabbage, chicken, soy sauce, and carrot. Cook them all until softened. 
  3. Add the rice noodles; stir constantly until it is all set. If the pancit has already looked brown, turn off the heat. Remove the pancit into your serving plate. 
  4. Garnish the delicious dish with fresh lemon wedges.

So, that is the direction to make delightful Pancit recipe. This food has complete nutrients so it will boost up your daily energy. Definitely, you could use this recipe to get your children a healthy lunch box as well.

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